วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Improve Your Skin Complexion Easily, Affordably

You are wearing elegant jewelry around your neck, or dangling from your ear lobes, even showing off your hands with some sparkle, maybe a gemstone bracelet. It is important to always take care of your skin. It is easy to keep your skin healthy looking, And it does not have to take much time or effort, that is the best part.
Here are some easy tips to follow;
You can make some of your own face & body scrub, or like I sometimes do, I make mine & add some of my favorite store brand.
Get a small plastic container, inexpensive, or something you already have in your cupboard. But a container that does close tight.
Use your ordinary granulated white sugar, (right from your canister)
* I use about 1 cup sugar
* add 2 teaspoons liquid glycerin
* a few drops of essential oil.
Note- vegetable glycerin is OK - you can find this at some grocers & at health food / vitamin stores-
Oils- also are found at health food stores and or pharmacy, example grapeseed oil is popular it is know to have regenerative qualities which also assist in moisturization of your skin.
Add any essential oils you prefer to give your scrub a delightful scent, as lavender, peppermint, or cucumber. If I don't have any oils on hand, I add my store brand.
Mix together & use it daily. Your skin will shine!
At times if it sits for any period of time, my scrub will turn to more of a liquid, easy fix I just add more sugar.
We all want to look beautiful, and our face to look healthy, Remember to hydrate your skin daily, this does keep your skin younger looking. I know this to be true. Use your favorite lotion, creme, or even baby oil. It does not have to cost much.

