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25 Natural Skin Care Tips For a Perfect Complexion

These days there are countless tips, techniques and miracle acne cures floating around in cyber space. Let me help you sort through the muck! In this article, I've highlighted the 25 most important natural skin care tips that will truly change your skin for the better and give you the complexion you've always desired.
1. Find out what food sensitivities you have. This is best done by using the Elisa testing technique. Once you find out the culprits avoid those foods at all costs and watch your skin almost instantly improve.
2. Stay away from dairy. The consumption of dairy is often the cause of many negative skin conditions.
3. Avoid red meat. All types of red meat will slow digestions making it hard for your body to expel toxins. This will undoubtedly result in poor skin.
4. Don't Smoke. Not only is smoking bad for your overall health, but it will also turn your skin yellow and cause breakouts.
5. Avoid alcohol. The liver has the important job of removing toxins from our system. Alcohol prevents the liver from fully performing its job.
6. Incorporate all natural Aloe Vera gel (I'm talking straight from the plant) into your skin care regimen. Aloe Vera is one of the very best all natural skin care nutrients on the planet! Use it, and see the incredible results.
7. Don't touch your face throughout the day. If you practice natural organic skin care techniques and do everything else right, but still touch your face throughout the day, your acne may still be prevalent.
8. Get plenty of vitamin A into your diet naturally. Although supplementation does have its place, acquiring vitamins organically will offer the best skin care improvements. Here's a tip: Eat a ton of carrots!
9. Keep your hair away from your face. When hair that retains oil is constantly touching your face it could cause breakouts.
10. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. The body uses the time that you are sleeping to expel acne causing toxins.
11. Wash your pillow case daily. Each night as you sleep, oil from your hair and face will transfer onto your pillow case. This case can be the perfect breading ground for acne causing bacteria.
12. Wash your face no more then 2 times a day. A huge mistake that many people who suffer from acne make is washing their face too often. If you strip away all the oils from your skin, more acne causing sebum will be produced in the long run. Remember, you can't wash away acne!
13. Use a sunscreen (SPF 15 or greater) whether it's rainy, cloudy, winter or summer! No matter what, protect your skin from damaging UV rays. They're always there, no matter what time of year or what type of weather.
14. Limit stress. Stress increases the production of hormones which cause acne. Also, the more stress you experience, the harder it is for your body to heal.
15. Get your digestion under control by performing a colon cleanse biannually. Proper digestion is essential for clear and beautiful skin.
16. Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables. This is a great way to get a large variety of skin healing nutrients into your diet naturally.
17. Know your skin type and act accordingly. Different products, moisturizers and natural skin care recipes should be used depending on your skin type.
18. Don't consume any hydrogenated fats or oils (this means absolutely no margarine!). Your skin will never clear up without ridding your diet of harmful substances like hydrogenated fats or oils.
19. Beware of fragrances that make you break out. Believe it or not, some perfumes and fragrances can actually cause breakouts.
20. Get plenty of exercise. Physical exercise is extremely important for clearing acne as it reduces stress significantly.
21. Stay hydrated by drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day. Water is a key component in removing toxins from the body.
22. Use a mild abrasive soap once a day to remove dead skin cells. Dead skin cells can clog pores and cause breakouts if they are not removed.
23. Take a high quality multivitamin. Getting all the skin care vitamins into your diet each and every day is difficult to do naturally. Taking a high quality multivitamin will ensure that no nutrient has been left out.
24. Use natural organic skin care makeup. Many prominent makeup brands use a formula that will clog pores and cause acne. Be sure to use all natural makeup or better yet... no makeup at all.
25. Use all natural homemade soap. Store bought skin care products can incorporate damaging synthetics that will often make your skin condition worse. The only way to know for sure that what you are putting on your skin is 100% all natural and chemical free is to make the skin care products yourself.

Improve Your Skin Complexion Easily, Affordably

You are wearing elegant jewelry around your neck, or dangling from your ear lobes, even showing off your hands with some sparkle, maybe a gemstone bracelet. It is important to always take care of your skin. It is easy to keep your skin healthy looking, And it does not have to take much time or effort, that is the best part.
Here are some easy tips to follow;
You can make some of your own face & body scrub, or like I sometimes do, I make mine & add some of my favorite store brand.
Get a small plastic container, inexpensive, or something you already have in your cupboard. But a container that does close tight.
Use your ordinary granulated white sugar, (right from your canister)
* I use about 1 cup sugar
* add 2 teaspoons liquid glycerin
* a few drops of essential oil.
Note- vegetable glycerin is OK - you can find this at some grocers & at health food / vitamin stores-
Oils- also are found at health food stores and or pharmacy, example grapeseed oil is popular it is know to have regenerative qualities which also assist in moisturization of your skin.
Add any essential oils you prefer to give your scrub a delightful scent, as lavender, peppermint, or cucumber. If I don't have any oils on hand, I add my store brand.
Mix together & use it daily. Your skin will shine!
At times if it sits for any period of time, my scrub will turn to more of a liquid, easy fix I just add more sugar.
We all want to look beautiful, and our face to look healthy, Remember to hydrate your skin daily, this does keep your skin younger looking. I know this to be true. Use your favorite lotion, creme, or even baby oil. It does not have to cost much.

How to Improve Skin Complexion the Natural Way

Do you want to have a better skin complexion? If your answer is yes, then youa re in the right places. I will teach you how to improve skin complexion safely and effectively. Uneven skin tones and blemishes can be a big problem, especially if you are quite conscious with your looks.
You should know that you can use topical creams to help improve your skin complexion. But don't just go buy the first cream that you see in the store. Pick one that is the most effective and safe to use. You can identify them by checking out their ingredients.
For uneven skin tones and blemishes, you have to look for a skin lightening cream that is gentle to the skin. This will help fix the uneven skin tones. Avoid "skin bleaching" items that have harmful chemicals in its ingredients.
You should be looking for emollients and natural oils. A good example would be shea butter and avocado oil. If you want your scar tissues to heal, the shea butter works best.
Try looking for antioxidants in the skin cream as well. A famous one, called CoenzymeQ10, promotes cell growth and at the same time, heals the skin cells that are damaged.
There are times when you are finding out how to improve skin complexion when you have a dark skin. You can try looking for specific ingredients that can make your skin lighter.
A special ingredient found in skin lightening creams is called Extrapone Nutgrass Root. It is gentle for the skin as it also helps in inhibiting melanin. Melanin is the skin pigment that makes your complexion darker. A skin lightening cream can be used to fix certain dark spots or improve the complexion in general.
Along with the lightening cream, regular exercise and proper diet can help you see the results faster. When you eat junk food and other unhealthy foods, you slow down the lightening process of your skin.
Knowing how to improve skin complexion is very helpful for those who have uneven skin tones and blemishes. It only involves finding the right ingredients that can make your skin lighter and softer.

How to Improve Skin Complexion - Even Skin Tone and Get a Fair Skin Complexion With These Simple Tip

Of course you're interested in how to improve skin complexion. Who doesn't want to have a beautiful fair skin complexion? Maybe you've struggled with acne or some other skin problems that has left you with blemishes or uneven skin tone. Perhaps you'd like to have a more fair complexion by gently lightening your skin.
In this article I'll show you how to get a better skin complexion with the application of topical creams. By the time you're done reading you'll know exactly what you should be looking for in a skin care product that will improve your skin complexion.
Let's get started.
Treating blemishes and uneven skin tone
If you're plagued by blemishes or uneven skin tone from, for example, acne breakouts, you may need to use a gentle skin lightening product to even out the color. Stay away from "skin bleaching" products that contain harsh chemicals, especially when you're treating your face. We'll look more at these specific products in the next section.
Also important for improving skin complexion is to use a cream that helps your skin to renew itself. Anything that stimulates the skin to produce new cells can help to reduce blemishes.
Natural oils and emollients like avocado oil and shea butter also provide a lot of benefits to the skin. Shea butter in particular is known to contribute to the healing of scar tissue and blemishes, and also helps in treating sun damaged skin.
Powerful antioxidants like CoenzymeQ10, when used in a nano-formulation as part of a skin cream, can also help to repair damaged cells, while stimulating cell growth at the same time.
How to improve skin complexion by lightening skin color
If you have a dark complexion, you may feel the need to lighten it. We already touched on skin lightening above, so let's look at exactly what safe and natural ingredients you can use here to achieve a more fair skin complexion.
Extrapone Nutgrass Root is an ingredient used in certain lightening creams. The good thing about it is that it is not only extremely effective at inhibiting the skin pigment called melanin, but it is also very gentle on the skin as it was originally developed as an anti-irritant.
Melanin, in case you didn't know, is the pigment that determines skin color. The more melanin you have, the darker your skin.
You can use a lightening cream either on dark spots to even out skin tone, or you can use it to lighten your skin complexion in general.
In addition to the above, always make sure you follow a healthy lifestyle and diet to improve complexion. If you consume only junk food and soft drinks and never exercise, any skin care product will have a hard time having a positive effect as it will be fighting the damage you are doing to your body as well.

Feed Your Skin - The Top Vital Nutrients For a Healthy, Glowing Complexion

Diet is extremely important to skin care. Housewives, as well as those working in the business world, often fall into the trap of skipping lunch or relying on snacks or `processed` sandwiches. Much easier to prepare, and much healthier, would be a hard-boiled egg and a tomato, a piece of cheese and an apple, or a mug of milk and a piece of fruit.
Do not forget to drink plenty of water, it is not fattening and it helps to flush out and clear the system. Many women like to begin the day with a little freshly squeezed or bottled but unsweetened lemon juice. Some beauty therapists suggest adding to this a spoonful of honey if you are spotty; others suggest drinking no less than eight glasses of water per day between meals.
"Your skin is the fingerprint of what is going on inside your body, and all skin conditions, from psoriasis to acne to aging, are the manifestations of your body's internal needs, including its nutritional needs," says Georgiana Donadio, PhD, DC, MSc, founder and director of the National Institute of Whole Health in Boston.
Now that we know how important it is, what nutrients does your skin need the most?
Vitamins C, E, A
Vitamin C is our front line at reducing damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals destroy collagen and elastin - these are fibers that support our skin structure -which in turn directly relates to how youthful our skin looks. Free radicals are caused by over-exposure to the sun, environmental toxins and pollution. When you combine Vitamin C and Vitamin E, you have an effective defense against sun over-exposure. Foods high in vitamin C include bell peppers (red and green), turnips, kale, parsley, collard greens, guava, and broccoli.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which reduces the effect of sun damage on the skin. When you combine Vitamin E with Vitamin A, E is particularly effective at helping to prevent certain cancers of the skin. Vitamin E is also known to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Oils of Wheat germ, safflower and sunflower, almonds, green spinach, peaches, sunflower seeds, prunes, tomatoes, asparagus, cabbage, and avocados are all excellent food sources of Vitamin E.
Vitamin A supports and assists proper skin repair and maintenance. If you are deficient in Vitamin A, this can result in a dry and flaking complexion. Food sources of Vitamin A include liver (liver is also a major provider of iron), carrots, chili peppers, dandelion, collard greens, apricots, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes, and cantaloupe.
Selenium is another antioxidant, but this time a mineral, which is directly responsible for elasticity of tissue. Selenium also helps prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals with the added benefit of being connected to reducing your risk of breast cancer. This amazing mineral may also play a crucial role in skin cancer prevention due to the fact that it can protect your skin from damage caused by excessive ultraviolet light.
Sources of selenium in the diet include wheat germ, seafood (tuna and salmon), fresh garlic, Brazil nuts, rice (brown), eggs, and bread (whole-wheat). Eating onlyt 3-4 Brazil nuts a day will provide adequate selenium intake for most.
Zinc is a mineral which is very important to maintaining healthy skin - this is especially true for those suffering with acne as acne itself may be a symptom of a deficiency of zinc. Zinc's effect on the skin includes controlling oil production in the skin as well as helping to control some of the hormones that trigger acne breakouts. Zinc is a crucial mineral for healthy immune function in addition to being necessary for healthy vision, taste and smell. Zinc-rich foods include pumpkin (the seeds), fresh oysters, ginger, eggs, Brazil nuts, oats, and pecans.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Skin which is inflamed, dry or suffers with frequent episodes of acne, blackheads and/or whiteheads can be greatly benefited by an increase in Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) intake - especially the omega-3's. EFAs have a direct impact for the repair of skin, the skin's moisture content and tissue flexibility. Due to the fact our bodies cannot product EFAs, these essential fatty acids must be obtained via diet. Sources of EFAs include include chia seeds, flax seeds and flax seed oil, and, for non-vegetarians, wild-harvested fish oils.
Whenever possible, it is best to get necessary nutrients from whole food sources as these are more pure, complete and many times more effective - without the risk of being harmed by ingesting excessive amounts of a vitamin or mineral. However for many, lifestyle or other circumstances make maintaining a perfectly balanced nutritional diet a near-impossibility. For these, a high-quality vitamin and mineral supplement is suggested.
Please be sure to ask questions and read labels. Also keep in mind that it is highly doubtful you will find a supplement which has what it says it has and does what it is supposed to do on the shelf of a department store or supermarket! The old adage "You get what you pay for" seems to be never so true as it is in the arena of department store health and beauty items.

Complexions - Eating the Right Foods Can Help Achieve a Radiant Complexion

Healthy glowing complexions come from several factors, such as proper hygiene and how healthy your diet is. Eating highly processed and fatty fast food can show in your complexion as pimples and sallow looking skin tone. Because your skin is your largest organ, is it any wonder that the foods you eat show up on your skin in one way or another.
In fact, your diet plays a major role in everything including acne, skin hydration, elasticity, redness and can even be the cause of broken blood vessels and capillaries! Although it may require some change in habits and lifestyle, a healthy diet is essential to a healthy complexion! Here are some helpful tips on what to reach for at the grocery store!
Foods that support a healthy glowing complexion:
1. Water- I cannot stress this point enough! Water is crucial to achieving a flawless surface! It allows your organs to function more efficiently, as well as remove toxins and waste much faster. Drinking 8 glasses of water per day will get your skin looking plumper, clearer and more hydrated!
2. Essential Fatty Acids contain omega-3 and 6, and are found in things such as salmon, trout, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and flax seed. Omega 3 and 6 help fight inflammation and sunburn, which are two major causes of premature aging. They also help your skin cells repair their natural barrier and increase cell production.
3.Eat your greens- foods like spinach, kale, broccoli and romaine all contain vitamin B, E and C, as well as antioxidants that help fight off free radicals! Eating at least a few servings of veggies daily will have your skin looking clearer, brighter and tighter in no time!
4.Green Tea- this may be the easiest way to ease into a healthier diet. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that helps the overall health and appearance of your skin. It also contains polyphenols that strengthen and protect the cell membrane, and help reduce the risk of cancer.
5. Berries for Beauty- fruits like blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and plums are not only high in antioxidants but they're proven to repair damage to the skin's cell membranes. So whether you suffer from acne, sun damage or redness, eating a moderate amount of berries high in antioxidants will help repair your skin and fight off future damage.
6. Potato, Tomato- eating foods with red and orange coloring such as sweet potato, tomato, and carrots boosts your intake of beta-carotene and vitamin C. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A which helps overall hydration, collagen production and strengthening skin cells. The production of collage is important when fighting the aging process as well as acne and scarring!
Try to avoid foods high in fat, sodium, sugar, caffeine, dairy and citric acid as these can cause excessive breakouts and sagging. Also, eating processed and bleached foods (white flour, white sugar etc.) can have a huge effect on the appearance and clarity of your skin.